Thursday, July 12, 2007

A letter to Bill O' Reily and Sandy Rios

a hypothetical letter to Bill O'Reilly and Sandy Ros about their homophobic beliefs which they expressed on the July 11 edition of The O'Reilly Factor

Dear Bill O'Reilly and Sandy Rios,

We gays and bisexuals aren't so bad. There's no need to run away from us screaming for dear life for fear you might catch our gay. It's not contagious, you know? We're not going to turn America's children gay with our immoral ways. I know it must be hard to believe but children knowing we exist isn't going to poison their little minds, in fact it might help them to grow up to be intelligent open minded people, unlike you. Perhaps if people learn from a young age that homosexuality is not a sin and is a perfectly normal thing then in time homophobia will disappear. But, alas, for the time being it is still a strong force and you sure as hell aren't helping. You act as if we are sub-human, but why? We're just like anyone else, we deserve the same treatment and shouldn't be seen as immoral. So what if they scheduled "gay day" the same day they were giving out free hats to kids? So what if some kids saw two gals or guys kissing? So what if gay and straight people commingle? It's not hurting anyone and it may even open some minds so why the freak out? And now I'd like to address you Sandy Rios, Fox news analyst and president of the "family values" group Culture Campaign. You're the president of another one of the many organizations that support your distorted form of "family views", basically a way of saying hyper-Christian, close-minded bigot beliefs. This group is, of course, not exactly gay-friendly and is also connected with not are, a site that urges parents to pull their kids out of school for the day of silence (god forbid your god fearing lil' babies should have to be exposed to a gay rights, grass roots movement. They might actually form their own opinions). In your interview with Bill O'Reilly you took his side that the gays shouldn't have been any where near the children, and even had the audacity to claim that being gay is a decision when you said "Well Bill there's a big difference in going to a ball game and sitting next to a lesbian couple or a homosexual couple and enjoying a game together and having a night that celebrates their decision." Well Rios, you need a reality check. Your sexual orientation is not a choice, being around gays wont make you gay, and there's nothing wrong with gays being around kids, and you need to think about that. I would also like to point out that in this little debate Ron deHarte (executive director of gay pride in San Diego) barely got a word in edge wise. Your show is nothing but a bunch of biased, close-minded BS.


Ms. Motley

republicans are bloody idiots and democrats have no spine (except for Kucinich!)

I am so pissed off at the majority of democrats! I myself consider myself to be a democrat but some of the spineless jellyfish that call themselves democrats make it hard for me to do so with pride. I'm certainly not saying that all democrats lack spines but a lot of the ones representing us do, and that's a problem. Take for example Hillary Clinton, I really don't like her, and you know why??? NO SPINE!!!!! The woman lacks a back bone and can't stand by what she says. A key example of this is when Gen. Peter Pace said in a Chicago Times interview that he fully supported DADT because gays are "immoral". When asked what she thought of this Mrs. Clinton, who claims to support LGBT rights, said nothing and waited until a week later to FINALLY say that gays are not immoral. And of course Obama did the same thing.... All I want is a democratic presidential candidate who I can support without thinking to myself "Well they don't really stand for all of what I do, and they'll probably do jack shit to improve my civil rights, but they are the better of two evils....". I don't want the better of two evils! I want someone who I can support and say "damn, this person really has got a head on their shoulders and actually has a back bone!". Luckily such a candidate exists and his name is Kucinich! He supports LGBT rights, impeaching Bush, and pulling out of Iraq. He is a confident speaker, an intelligent human being, and he's who I want to be the president of our country. This is a democrat who I feel will actually stand by what he says and do so much good for the country. I think he could even change peoples minds about a lot of things and truly change America for the better. I ask you all to check out what he's doing and saying.

What sucks is that, though I'd like to believe that he will be elected president, I know in my heart he wont be. This is because the majority of spineless democrats and uninformed voters will never support someone as risk-ae as Kucinich. A lot of people will never be able
even think about (let alone support) someone who supports LGBT rights, decriminalizing marijuana, pulling out of Iraq, and impeaching Bush, who is against guns and the death penalty, and who is unapologetic about it and unwilling to back down. Plus you know the democrats will pick Obama. I don't hate Obama, in fact I kind of liked him until I found out he opposes gay marriage. Kucinich would be a much better choice but the simple fact is that Obama and Clinton have the most money, support, and attention so it's gonna be one of them and unless the demos wanna commit political suicide they'll pick Obama (seeing as Clinton has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected).

oh well, guess you gotta stay strong and believe. That's my rant for today kiddies, have a lovely night/morning (whatever should I consider 4:00 AM to be?) <3

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Man has a hissy over lesbian sex book

Arkansas Man Seeks Damages Over Lesbian Book

A Bentonville, Ark., man is seeking $20,000 in damages from the city because his sons found The Whole Lesbian Sex Book in the local library. He also wants the library director fired for allowing “pornography” in the town’s collection.

In a letter to the Bentonville Mayor, Earl Adams wrote that the book was “patently offensive and lacks any artistic, literary or scientific value.” He claims his sons, ages 14 and 16, came across the book while looking for material on military academies. In his letter, Adams states “my sons were greatly disturbed by viewing this material and this matter has caused many sleepless nights in our house.”

Okay first off, WTF is wrong with people?!?!?! Who gives a sugar frosted fuck if the library has sex books? It's not like they're right next to the kiddy books! I can say that in my local library that yes, there are books on sex, but they're separate from other books (certainly military ones -.-). And what's this crap about the kids being traumatized and having "many sleepless nights"? What a load of absolute bull shit! I'd also like to point out that these kids are either EXTREMELY sheltered, or they're lying their asses off. Firstly, generally books on the subject of lesbian sex are not mixed in with books about the military. I'm guessing the kids were looking at books on the subject of sex and are LYING. Even on the off chance that The Whole Lesbian Sex Book was left in the military section (for what reason, god knows) they're still the ones who picked it up to look at it! Can't say they didn't know what they were in for! Secondly I could understand the father's hissy fit a little bit better if it weren't for the kids' ages. They're 14 and 16! What the hell? So the kids saw some sex, so what? They're at the age where they're probably looking at porn ANYWAY. If the reason is because they REALLY are that sheltered then daddy should have been there with his babies holding their hands so they wouldn't see any wicked books. This shit wouldn't happen if everyone wasn't so uptight about sex. What's the big deal anyway? Most everyone does it and it's a beautiful thing so who gives? *sigh*, but that's a pondering for another time. Anyway, my point is that the book shouldn't be removed and the library shouldn't have to pay a dime. This is because a library should have books on all subjects even if some people don't like it. If you don't, figure out the dewy decimal system, find out where the sex books are, and STAY AWAY! DON'T RUIN IT FOR THE REST OF US!!!! I personally don't think the library will have to pay because any judge who honestly believes that the kids were really that disturbed is a bloody idiot. Also, hopefully, the library director won't lose his job because of this . However you KNOW they're going to have to remove the book...all because some asshole and his overly fragile children had to go and hyperventilate about it.

This really bothers me because if people complain about books, and then they're removed, soon there will be no books left. Some jackass says that books about Wicca are wrong and *poof* bye bye. Someone finds books about serial killers traumatizing, *poof* gone. Some bigoted sonuvabitch says LGBT books are wrong *poof* no more. If the library has to get rid of this book what's next? And I know some of you are saying "but Ms. Motley, this is different, this is sex". So? This is still literature ( not porn!) and it should be left alone!

Well there's my rant for tonight. Have a lovely day <3