Sunday, June 10, 2007

late night/early morning thoughts

So I've been up all night, my usual pattern during the summer, and I've spent the majority of my time reading and thinking about this and that. The book is Stonewall, which tells the story of six different people who were involved in the revolt at Stonewall. This revolt took place because at the time (1969) police would raid gay bars and arrest everyone inside; a rather unfair practice yes? When they did this at stonewall the people in the bar revolted and a riot broke out. I'm only half way through the book but I'm absolutely in love with it, I can't stop reading it. Along with Stonewall, I've also been reading a book on the feminist movement and The Politics of Women's' Bodies. All this put me in a very intellectual mood and so I sat musing over society. Feminism is an incredible thing to me, particularly in the way it challenges you to think about our society, the way it works, and why it is the way it is. It makes you realize that perhaps we really can change society at large, that the world will change for the better. It excites me to think that people can change the world, because I've always believed it is posible in principle but to read how it's been accomplished is really quite cool. It never really occurred to me that these civil rights movements truly did change society. Granted many things remain the same as they always have, but it shows there can be change. I think it'd be amazing to have a world in which no one cared what a person's race, gender, or sexual orientation was. I know this will probably never happen, and definitely not in my life time, but it's nice to dream.

Anywho, Me thinks I'm done babbling now so ta ta for now luvs. <3

1 comment:

sweetxtangerinee said...

Jessie I'm glad you have a blog and all. But you already had one under freak unique and you shared it with me. Dumbass. lol. I'll just delete you off the author list then I guess. If you want-or more so I would like- to add your new name to the editors list.